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Painting Series by Jean-Sebastien Choo, Self-taught Autistic Artist #15— Grieving for Two

(Grieving for Two: 2 paintings, 8 x 16 in, water color and poster color, canvas panel, SGD140 x 2 = SGD280 + shipping)

(Grieving I, 8 x 16 in, water color and poster color, canvas panel, SGD140 + shipping)

(Grieving II, 8 x 16 in, water color and poster color, canvas panel, SGD140 + shipping)

This pair of paintings was done during Sebastien's first challenging year of living in Bali, when we were in the midst of transitioning him away from us, even as we were struggling to find a strong carer team. I was splitting my time between Singapore and Bali, as part of the weaning process, with no real clue of how to truly sever the umbilical cord, without being consumed by waves of sadness and guilt.

On the first of our family holidays since Sebastien lived in Bali, January 2017

This whole process was just as heart-wrenching and terrifying for Sebastien. What made it so difficult was that I wasn't strong enough to support Sebastien through it. The grief of letting go was literally bringing me down to my knees.

Thus, to this day, I am still blown away by the tremendous courage and strength that Sebastien has shown to have arrived at a point in his life when he is thriving on his own in the village existence of Bali, amidst loving carers and nature-based activities. Even though we have not seen Sebastien in person for more than a year because of COVID-19, he is moving forward with his life!

Sebastien celebrating his 24th birthday with Bema, one of his carers, and Bema's family (June 2020)

For those who are interested to support Sebastien's artistic pursuits:-

Digital versions of Sebastien’s art for Patreon sponsors and epubs with insights about his artistic life: (you can support his existence for as little as USD5/month!)

Thank you so much!


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