A Dialogue with Jerome Poudevigne, a parent-by-choice of Sebastien, an autistic young man
AMW2021 ONLINE Dialogue #3: The "Happiness Approach": An Underrated Autism Treatment
Thursday, May 27th 2021 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM, SGD5
(all proceeds go to A Mother's Wish)
To date, the number of signups for this talk has only moved up to 4. If we do not reach a minimum of 10 signups, we will be cancelling this dialogue with refunds issued to all attendees within 24 hours of receiving their payment information. It would seem that “The Happiness Approach” is an underrated one for autism :-( .
In pondering about the lack of signups, I wonder whether it is because people may have heard me tell the story of Sebastien too many times and think that they are hearing the same one again.
But I sincerely believe that Jerome, a caregiver by choice, someone who came to love an autistic teen deeply, even though he had no formal obligation, especially through our troubled times with him, brings a very unique perspective on special needs caregiving.
So many a times, I have heard stories of biological parents of autistic kids leaving when things get too hard, or watch movies in which a boyfriend of a single mum of an autistic teen teen who has meltdowns leave the relationship because it is just too much for him to bear.
What thus makes Jerome so special is that the troubled times that we had with Sebastien have only made him realize how much he loves Sebastien and fired him up with the desire to help us find the path towards happiness. This is why I really hope that the dialogue can still take place and that many people can learn from Jerome’s capacity to love and pursue happiness in the face of all odds.
Register here: https://autismhappinessjeromep.peatix.com/