Paintings by Jean-Sebastien Choo, Self-taught Autistic Artist — My Essence
My Essence (14 x 11 in, water color and poster color, canvas panel, SGD180 + shipping) People often ask me what Sebastien, my autistic...
Paintings by Jean-Sebastien Choo, Self-taught Autistic Artist — Fantasy Archipelago
Fantasy Achipelago (14 x 11 in, water color, canvas panel, SGD180 + shipping) Sebastien is a self-taught, unguided autistic artist who...
Paintings by Jean-Sebastien Choo, Self-taught Autistic Artist — Pearl (9 x 12 in, water color)
Green Geyser (14 x 11 in, water color, canvas panel, SGD180 + shipping) Sebastien is a self-taught, unguided autistic artist… Once you...
Paintings by Jean-Sebastien Choo, Self-taught Autistic Artist — Blazing Horizons
Blazing Hprizons (12 x 12 in, water color, canvas panel, SGD180 + shipping) “Sebastien's artistic process has nothing to do with an...
Paintings by Jean-Sebastien Choo, Self-taught Autistic Artist — Pearl (9 x 12 in, water color)
Pearl (9 x 12 in, water color, canvas panel, SGD140 + shipping) Sebastien is a self-taught, unguided autistic artist… More than just an...